A vegades, la gent es pregunta coses sobre nacionalismes i les respostes poques vegades son simples. Aqui teniu un bloc (http://nationalismstudies.wordpress.com/) on hi participare en breu d'on podeu treure algunes idees o reflexions que us poden ajudar en aquelles preguntes que apareixen un diumenge a la tarda sense saber gaire be per que.
per cert, ja que hi som, reflexio interessant d'un teoric txec:
“Class struggle on its own led to no revolutions, and national struggle without conflict between strata in mobile industrial society was similarly ineffective…conflicts of interest between classes and groups whose members were divided at the same time by the cat that they belonged to different linguistic groups had indisputable significance for the intensification of the national movement” Miroslav Hroch
per cert, ja que hi som, reflexio interessant d'un teoric txec:
“Class struggle on its own led to no revolutions, and national struggle without conflict between strata in mobile industrial society was similarly ineffective…conflicts of interest between classes and groups whose members were divided at the same time by the cat that they belonged to different linguistic groups had indisputable significance for the intensification of the national movement” Miroslav Hroch
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